Contact Us

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3800 Plateau Road
Boulder County, CO 80503

School Hours

M-F: 9:30am – 4pm
Weekends: Closed

Phone & Email



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Contact Form Coming Soon

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Frequently Asked Questions

Many questions are answered directly on our website. We’ve included some of the most common questions here for your convenience.

Are we a public, charter, or private school?

No, we are a private 501c3 non-profit, school.

Do we follow the BVSD academic calendar?

No, we now follow our own calendar. Contact us for further details.

Are we similar to Montessori or Waldorf?

The short answer is no, but the longer answer is a bit more complicated. Montessori and Waldorf are as different from each other as both are to the Sudbury model. The Sudbury model does not require classes for instance, nor is a premade curriculum adhered to.

Are we an unschool?

No, we are a school school, by standards that we ourselves have created. While most unschooling families can appreciate the Sudbury model, there is an underlying structure, such as regular and expected attendance, that result in some inherent differences between the two approaches.

Can graduates continue to higher education?

Absolutely, yes! Greater than 80% of Sudbury graduates from around the world have continued to higher education after graduating.